Acid whey powder
Acid whey powder is obtained from curd whey coming from curd production, Mozzarella and Cottage chesses after foregoing pre-concentration on NF installation, concentration, crystallization and spray drying.

Whey-Fat formula OLMIL S 50
Whey-fat formula Olmil S 50 is a powder obtained from drying whey concentrate with vegetable oil. Owing to its specific properties Olmil S 50 has many usages in bakery and sweets industries and in the production of edible concentrates and dry blends.

Whey powder – instant
Whey powder instant is made from whey, which is thickened, crystallised and spray dried using the instant co drying process, therefore, the powder is readily soluble in water.

Skim milk powder – instant
Instant skim milk powder is made from fresh milk which has been pasteurized, evaporated and then dried using an instant spray process which allows the milk powder to be easily reconstituted with water.

Demineralised whey powder
Demineralised whey powder is obtained by drying fresh whey (derived during the manufacture of cheese), which has been exposed to a partial demineralisation process.

Whey powder
Whey powder is obtained from rennet whey after condensing, crystalising and spray drying of the product.

Fat Filled Milk Powder Instant
Excellent Full Cream Powder substitute and milk-fat application base in manufacture of: ice-cream, milk beverages, analogue cheese. It can be successfully used in bakery, confectionery and food concentrates industry.

Skim milk powder
Skim milk powder is a natural product obtained from almost complete evaporation of water from fresh milk.

Full milk powder
Full milk powder is a natural product obtained from blending specially selected natural milk ingredients with vegetable oil.